Diakonik - Christian Social Work (B.A.)

The Bachelor program in Diakonik (Christian Social Work) is linked with a separate vocational training in the paedological or nursing fields. Both together last 6 years and qualify students for employment as a Deacon in the ELKB (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria).  The study program is characterised by its practical orientation and its approach linking protestant theology and social sciences as well as economics.


Objectives and career prospects

This program opens up career prospects in different directions:

  • It qualifies graduates for Christian social and nursing care work in numerous institutions of the Diakonia such as youth services, nursing care, as well as for work with disabled and elderly people.
  • Working with young people and families, supporting and nursing care for older people and people with disabilities.
  • It also qualifies for theological-pedagogical work on different church levels, such as children’s ministry and youth work at the congregational and regional levels, church and school youth social work, and also, when needed, pastoral care and worship.


Curriculum includes

  • Theology: Biblical theology, systematic theology (dogmatic theology, ethics), religious studies, and theology of religions, church history
  • Humanities and social sciences: psychology, sociology, social pedagogy, educational science, business administration, law, and nursing science
  • Professional activity: internships and projects in various diaconal fields of activity, from nursing to community education

For questions please contact the Head of the Programm

Studiengangsleiter Diakonik
0911 27253-718
V 1.1 - 1. OG